歌詞的話因為幾乎都是英文,所以就不特別做翻譯了。歌詞其實也很簡單,就是愛一個女人愛不到的心情(噗)。光前面的「Your smile is in my dreams, The only place I can hold you」聽起來就好心酸哪。然而最心酸的是在歌曲的最後,「Oh baby please let me know, When you have started to lie」,不被喜歡的人所愛還要被欺騙的情景真是讓所有男性感傷道都要流淚了。事不宜遲,趕快來聽聽看這首充滿魅力的好歌吧,不知怎地覺得這樣的旋律跟歌詞還滿適合這樣的雨天啊。
Unchain my tears here under the willow
With eyes so silver-grey
The smell of Gudan Garam
Surrounds me like a lonely swallow
Immortal like a golden phoenix
But still so overdosed
Your smile is in my dreams
The only place where I can hold you
In the sky, so blue
Please, don't leave me alone
Let me stay right next to you
Oh baby I can't get out now
This dream is too delicious
Oh Daisy it's time to bloom
Your wisdom sparks at midnight
I can't stop this corruption
I am falling into the sky
Let me stay right next to you
Oh baby I can't get out now
This dream is too delicious
Oh Daisy it's time to bloom
Your wisdom sparks in darkness
Oh baby please let me know
When you have started to lie
More Than Anyone